
Anna Stewart Memorial Project and Belinda Morieson Project

Are you interested in looking behind the scenes and knowing more about your union & unions generally? Do you have a plan to become more active in your workplace or perhaps even working for the union? One of these projects might be just for you.

These two projects give Job Reps the chance to have two paid weeks off the job, working with & in ANMF (Vic Branch).

The Anna Stewart project is run in conjunction with Victorian Trades Hall Council (VTHC) & is specifically for women unionists. Projects usually run in May & October of each year.

The Belinda Morieson Project is run by the Branch & is open to any Job Rep. Projects run in June & September each year.

Both projects involve bringing participants into the Branch office for a week to undertake a program of various activities followed by a second week working directly with & alongside their Organiser.

Reps are nominated for these projects by their Organiser, based on a range of factors including how active the Rep has been in their workplace, their involvement in workplace committees & processes, their work advocating for member rights and entitlements as well as their record of participation in Branch activities such as Job Rep training programs, Delegates Conferences, OHS Conferences & clinical education programs.

If you are interested in being nominated for one of these projects, please email with the following information filled out. This will be forwarded to your Organiser who will follow up with you directly to discuss the possibility of a nomination.

  • Name and member number
  • Workplace and clinical area
  • How many years a job rep or HSR
  • Why you are interested in these projects
  • What benefits your participation will bring to the members at your workplace/to ANMF (Vic Branch)